Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Mini Lush Christmas Haul!


I know it's only October, but I'm one of those people that gets very excited for Christmas pretty early on. It's definitely my favourite holiday of the year, I just love all the decorations, excitement and festivities that surround the occasion. So, when out shopping the other day in Portsmouth we popped into Lush and well, how could I resist the Lush Christmas selection?!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

I'm back!

Wow, hello..

So it's been a while since I wrote my last blog post, and this is because just over three weeks ago I moved out to University!

I'm currently studying International Business at the University of Kent, which I'm really enjoying so far (more the social side than the course, but still!). I miss my friends, Josh and home a lot, but I've met so many lovely people (especially my flat) which makes it much easier.

I just thought I'd write a quick post to let you know that now I've settled in more I'm going to try and write more posts and get back in the swing of blogging whilst studying.

But this is a picture of my room..

Have any of you moved out to University recently?

I'll be back soon with a review post!

Sophia xx