Friday, 18 April 2014

Boots and Superdrug Beauty Haul!


I recently decided it was about time I popped into Boots and Superdrug and stocked up on all the makeup and hair products I've had my eye on for the past few weeks! But when I started to look I ended up filling my basket a bit too high, oops!

I decided to choose a few hair products, because my hair has finally grown long enough to style quite a bit, so I chose to buy:
- Tresemmé Salon Sleek Frizz Control Spray - £4.99
- But as I'm sure you know, Boots often have offers on and they were 2 for £7, so I decided to get the Tresemmé Texture Style Tousled Wave Spray £5.75
The Mark Hill hair products were also on offer at 2 for £6, so I picked up:
- Beach Babe Sea Salt Wave Spray - £5.99
- Beach to Bar Dry Shampoo - £5.99, which I haven't tried before but I'm looking forward to seeing how it works on my hair!

I then saw it was 3 for 2 on all makeup in Boots, result! I decided to get:
- Seventeen Phwoarr Paint Concealer - £5.49
- Maybelline Falsies Mascara Black - £7.99
- Rimmel Scandal Eyes Precision Micro Eyeliner - £5.49

Now onto Superdrug.. and my favourite buys!

I've had my eye on the Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Liquid Lipsticks since they were released last month, and in a spur of the moment I decided it was only fitting to buy four!
I'm not going to write too much about them now as I think they deserve their own post, but the colours are so beautiful and I cannot wait to use them!
They retail at £8.99 each, and these are the shades I went for:
- Pink Pong
- Olé Flamingo
- Hot Pepper
- Peach Club

I then went and picked up the Sleek Corrector & Concealer Palette 03 on a bit of a whim, I haven't read many reviews but I'm hoping it lives up to the brand name!

Lastly I got the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water (£4.99), and the Moisture Match Start a Fresh Facial Moisturiser (£2.98).

I can't wait to try out all of my new buys, is there anything you want to hear reviews on or have picked up recently?

Sophia xxx


  1. I been using the L'Oreal Micellar water for a few months (almost onto the third bottle!) but after I've used it up I want to get the Garnier one - you get so much more for your money! xxx

    1. I let you know what it's like!! It says it has 200 uses so it's a real bargain! xxxx

  2. Love love love the Phowarr Paint Concealer, so good at hiding any imperfections! Xx

    1. I tried it out yesterday under my eyes, and I'm a fan!! xx

  3. Hello hun:)
    This post is really nice,love it:)))
    Maybe we could follow each other ? Let me know on my blog!:)

    1. Aw thank you so much! I've followed you on Bloglovin xx

  4. Hey,

    This post is great and I really like your blog :)

    Would you like to follow eachother on GFC and Google+?

    Please let me know on my blog, I will follow straight back!

    beautysaveuk ♥

  5. Aw thank you that means so much!! I've followed you sweet xx
