Thursday, 24 April 2014

Review: Models Own Polish for Tans Collection!

Hello again!

I've recently been enjoying the sunnier weather, and with the sun comes pretty nail colour releases! Whilst browsing through numerous blogs, vlogs and websites I came across the new Models Own Collection, Polish for Tans! And me being me and not having any willpower, the whole collection quickly ended up in my basket..

I thought I would share with you what I thought of the five shades, and can I just say that I'm really not the best at painting my nails, but I tried my hardest! The polishes claim to 'enhance and compliment a natural tan', through the use of pastel and neon tones.

Flip Flop

The first nail varnish in the collection is Flip Flop (which can I just add I love the names!).

On the website, this shade looks a lot more pastel based, however when it arrived and I tried it I found it to be a very neon green. Even though, I am a fan, as my skin is naturally olive toned and I felt like it really did compliment it. But, being such a bold green I do think it would be quite hard to coordinate with outfits.


As you may have picked up from my previous posts, I love love love yellow! So obviously I was very happy to discover a yellow featured in the new collection. However, similarly to Flip Flop, I thought that this shade, Bikini, would be more a pastel tone from the website, but when it arrived it was a bright neon yellow! But I do absolutely love it and I'm actually happy about it being neon, as I have quite a few pastel yellows but this is the first neon one I've used.
Beach Bag

 I've seen quite a lot of hype around Beach Bag, so I was very keen to try it when it arrived!

I can only describe it as a muted neon coral, but you can definitely see how it illuminates tanned skin. I do think as it's a lot less neon that the previous two, that it would look lovely on pale skin too, maybe more so than tanned skin. So if you are light skinned, don't be afraid to try the collection too!

I absolutely love this shade, I've been wearing a lot of pink recently, and I think this light fuchsia tone would go so well with so many things!

Although I think there are many nail varnishes on the market similar to this, Shades does manage to compete through it's slight neon edge, making it all the better to wear in the summer.

The last nail varnish in this collection is called Sun Hat and although probably the one I thought I would like the least, I am quite in love! It's such a versatile pink shade, and definitely the least neon out of the five. Although a summery collection, I definitely would wear this shade all year round as my go-to hot pink shade.

It's also the best one to apply, as you could get away with just the one coat for bold colour!
Overall, I'm definitely happy with my purchases from Models Own this month. Selling for £5 each, with the website often having promotions it's 100% a good investment for summer nails!
Has anybody else tried the Models Own Polish for Tans Collection? What's your favourite shade?
Sophia xxx

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