Sunday, 18 May 2014

Summer Fashion Haul

Hello again!

It seems like ages since I've done a post, I've just had such a busy week with my exams coming up and leaving school I haven't found the time! But, I did manage to squeeze in a small quite big shopping trip for a few summery bits and I thought I would share with you what I bought.

Shoes - New Look, £19.99

Shorts - New Look, £14.99

Necklace - New Look, £7.99 (not on website)

Skirt (behind) - New Look, £7

Shorts - Forever 21, £11.50

Top - Warehouse, £36

Shorts - Warehouse, £36

(definitely my favourite purchases of the day!)

Bag - Accessorize, £29

I also made a quick visit to Lush, and picked up The Comforter, Space Girl Bath Ballistic (which is actually a gift and not for me!), and King of Skin.

I really have an issue when it comes to shopping haha, and need to be restrained, but there's just so many pretty things in the shops at the moment! I can't wait for the exam season to be over so I can go out and enjoy wearing my new buys.

Have you been picking up any summery bits recently?

Sophia xxx

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